Due to an easing in graduation requirements, P2G has seen more and more of its students complete their HSE and go on to post-school success. While that might not sound like a problem, they now faced a challenge of filling new vacancies that have opened up. We worked with them to develop media that would be responsive to a variety of platforms including a social campaign to recruit new students and a landing page video to educate about the benefits of joining the program. As part of a school-wide professional development initiative, we also created an internal presentation showcasing school-wide staff, faculty and student successes.
The social media recruiting campaign has resulted in increased traffic to the P2G website, navigating prospective students to inviting go-to content.
Lights, camera, action
"They were always open to feedback and willing to make modifications no matter how late in the game it was."
Jeffrey Robbins
Pathways to Graduation